Discover Skin Like Butter & Co
Before the internet unless you knew of that certain street (that was usually called a lane, or had rue in front of it), district, tucked away hamlet, shoreline, ski town, wine country, etc, you would never ever discover fancy treasures. Fancy is an actual product genre (for better words) that does exist. However, sadly most people describe whatever fancy treasure they may have happily stumbled upon as niche. Niche is a generic term that can identify pretty much anything odd and uncommon. Fancy is uncommon, but there is nothing generic or odd about it. So now that people have discovered quiet luxury, and the softer side of life we thought we would introduce you to some essential tools to help you enjoy what you have discovered. To sum it up Skin Like Butter & Co., will give you essential tools to enjoy a quieter, softer, fancier life. Click on the photo's to explore.
Clean vegan fancy body care in 150 delicious scents
The quintessential definition of soft fancy life.
A very soft & fancy way to exfoliate
Their unique Pagoda Box packaging is just a clue to the sensory adventure you will take with Seda France. Japanese Quince is a show stopper, and their number one scent. It's just the beginning!!
For Skin Like Butter & Co is happy to introduce you to Seda France!!
Currently being curated, and worth the wait! Click on the photo to discover these brands to get a sneak peek of what's coming. Oh wait, but come back okay lol.