It's best to send a chat if you need
- a fast answer
- an important answer about an order or potential order
- if you want more product information
- you will get an answer either immediately with a live chat, or a response within 24 hours
It's best to by pass the chat and use this form to send an email if
- you don't need an answer right away and can wait 2 weeks for an answer. We check our very secure private email on the 1st and 15th of every month
- you have a general answer that is not an immediate concern.
The chat system on our website is a far superior tool for customer service because it was designed by Shopify to give shoppers excellent customer service. That is why we prefer it because it we can give you our best. So in short
Email- long wait, slow, inferior customer service
Chat-immediate response, superior customer service
Whichever you choose we are happy to serve you and we thank you very much for choosing Skin Like Butter.
Contact us