Thank you for inviting your friends

We are very thankful for all of the referrals we have received over the years. In fact a good portion of our growth from way back at the farmers market, to Crafted, and Etsy was from people bringing their family and friends to see what they love. Regrettably our formal structured system of saying thank you has been a bit hit or miss. The RSVP loyalty app has a referral system built in, but it's a bit clumsy and it's still hard to tell from the actual code who the referral is from. The other alternative is a very robust complicated affiliate program that isn't quite what we have in mind either. Enter YOU'RE INVITED -- our simple way of saying thank you for inviting your friends. Here is how it works.
Send us a chat after your second purchase to let us know that you want to share your favs with friends and family
We will create an invitation page like this to send to your friends. It will have
- how you discovered Skin Like Butter
- your favorite collections and products
- your favorite scents
- and most important a coupon code for your guests to use - REFERREDBY(yourname)
Once your referral order is processed (payment completion) you will receive your thank you coupon code TAKEFIVE. The coupon code is activated by invitation only. You will be notified when it's ready for use. Here is how it works a little differently than most coupon codes. Although it is a one-time use coupon code with no expiration date, this one will accumulate with every referral, and every order from every referral. We will send you a little note every time you get a new referral order, who it's from, and how many coupon codes you've accumulated in your referral coupon bank.
If you've been with Skin Like Butter before 2020, you will know that sometimes referrals can have unexpected results. Meaning a surge of tons of orders from an unknown source that results in the equivalent of a hurricane aftermath. No bueno! On the shoppers, followers, subscribers etc. end of things you might be experiencing affiliate link fatigue. They are like weeds in a garden just popping up everywhere. That's no bueno too. YOU'RE INVITED is our quiet little space in between the two. Remember since we are a fancy brand, and not a LUXURY brand we have to do things a little differently. We have to do things a little slower, smaller, and quieter. Alot like fancy little hamlets like Santa Fe, Montecito, and Martha's Vineyard do things.
On that note, fingers crossed if nothing else out of the ordinary happens, YOU'RE INVITED will convert into our official Brand Ambassador program. Once that happens you will BE INVITED to receive both your $5 discount toward your orders, and a 15% commission from all of your new referrals' orders and past referrals reorders. I've gabbed quite enough, but I will keep you posted for the details. Just wanted to let you know where this is all headed.
Of course, if you have any questions, please send a chat :-)
perfume sample sets
Our popular perfume sample sets are a great way to discover new scents. They also make a great gift.!!
Click the links below to shop the top 4 or click the photo to shop all.
SAVE 15% use coupon code IDLOVE2TRY