Our History
Very abridged version
Skin Like Butter was established in 2007 in Long Beach, California. Yes Skin Like Butter has been in existence now for 17 years, and (scratching record sound) um so why haven't you heard of us? Well in 2007 Instagram, Facebook, and even Etsy were in their infancies. We started with our neighborhood farmers market. Then we grew from 1 farmers market to 3. We still have some of the first Skin Like Butter customers with us from way back then. Hi Veronica!. Then we branched out to big street fairs. In 2010 we were able to do our first professional trade show, and that is were we met our rep. Wow she was amazing. The jury is still out as to whether or not she was actually just one person. I think if memory serves me correctly (it's sketchy these days lol) she got us into 15 stores in 3 different counties in Southern California. See what I mean. The jury is still out.
Eventhough the stores kept me super busy, I didn't want to loose the connection with the customers from as far back as the first farmers market. I would still do smaller artisanal juried crafted fairs, and it was at one of those called Patchwork that I found out about Crafted. What a concept. I was so excited. Crafted was a brand new marketplace that was only for handmade, unique, artisinal brands. Like the crafted fairs it too was juried, but it was permanent. I was so excited when Skin Like Butter was accepted. Soon after we got things rolling with was a loose requirement that the Crafters would have an Etsy store. Heck I loved Crafted so much they could have said we needed to have an Etsy store on the moon and I would have said oookay.
By 2016 it was just Etsy. No stores, no Crafted, just Etsy. Back in 2010 Etsy was a cool hang out for the hip and trendy. I think it was around 2016 when Chad became CEO and that's when it took off like a rocket, and Skin Like Butter was a long for the ride. Our Etsy store grew right along with Etsy itself and by 2020 we hit 20,000 sales. I had a plan though. The plan was to eventually land Skin Like Butter back on the ground in a brick and mortar studio either in south Orange County, or Santa Monica(ish) and meld together an entire Etsy, Studio, Retail showroom, Wholesale partners ecosytem. That was the plan for 2022.
Obviously God has another plan. On June 3, 2020 all of my plans were blown out of the sky. I woke up to a tsunami of orders. As it happened Skin Like Butter was involuntarily part of the civil unrest of 2020. A lady who I had no idea who she was put Skin Like Butter on a list of business to support (you support charities not businesses, the difference in the intent and energies is important...but I digress). At this time we had our normal customer flow, and the increase of customer flow from the shut down, and then the third layer--the tsunami. That third layer was not there for love of Skin Like Butter products. It could have been Joe's tire and lace company and they would have "supported" it because the "support" was part of the civil unrest. By June 9th I kind of collapsed in tears because I knew life as I knew it was over. The 2022 plans were blown to smithereens. I tried. I hired help, I rented U-haul after U-haul to take the orders to the post office. I bought extra equipment. I think it was around September that Etsy put our store on vacation, and by November they closed it completely. All of that hard work from 2007 to 2020 destroyed.
In 2021 I found myself in the Land of Enchantment. The ABQ as they say. Beautiful New Mexico. Up until that time my favorite color was black. That all changed when I layed my eyes on, well actually I don't know what they call it here but I call it New Mexican blue. It's not blue, it's not turquoise, it's not green, it almost Aquamarine. That's as close to the color as I can get. But it's not Aquamarine either. It's New Mexican blue, and it's stunning. It really pops against the sandy rose colored adobe buildings. That was the inspiration to change the branding from lime green and black on the beach, to New Mexican Blue, and Dark Chocolate

Brown in the desert. It was when I was meandering around downtown Santa Fe that I said huh maybe this was God plan all along. When you read the unabridged history (you're probably thinking well if the abridged version is this long what is the unabridged version a novel?....maybe lol) you'll see the spiritual connection. It fits perfectly with the energy and history of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
So after we got thrown overboard off the S.S. Etsy Cruise Ship, we existed on the tiny little lifeboat skinlikebutter.com. That tiny Shopify website has been a lifeboat from the beginning. Since we were no longer on the beach of sunny California, I had to quickly gather a few things (actually things along the Rio Grand river, and on the street) and take new product pics with the new colors.

Our original site was there since 2007 to do exactly what it just did. Save Skin Like Butter if something horrific happened. Lifeboats, however are there to save your life, but they aren't life sustaining. Like the famous movie says "You're gonna need a bigger boat". And that bigger boat is Skinlikebutterbodycare.com.

Currently most of our new and day one Skin Like Butter customers shop here on our larger skinlikebutterbodycare.com site. Thank you so much!! Skinlikebutter.com won't be going anywhere. It's the root that is attached all the way back to the very first farmers market 17 years ago. You are welcome to shop on either site. We just appreciate you so much for helping us on the path back to our Etsy days. If you are an Etsy customer welcome back!