LAVENDER LEMON scent description: This might seem like an unusual combination until you taste it, or in this case smell it.  A delicious blend of herb, tart, and sweet just like the refreshing drink.  Next time you're in a fancy smancy neighborhood (which is where you will find lavender lemon everything) try some lavender lemonade. It's delicious!! Or whether live in a fancy smancy neighborhood or not you can always wear this delicious scent.
Get 30% off all things LAVENDER LEMON when you order $50 or more.  Use coupon code LAYERSOFLAVENDERLEMON

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your signature scent palette


Your signature scent is one of the things that makes you unforgettable. It's not just one scent. It's a collection of similar scents that resonate with YOUR vibe.

Each palette matches a personality type. It's not a hard science BUT, when you read the personality types and scents you will find a palette that matches YOUR VIBE.

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