CASHMERE Product Page

CASHMERE Scent description- If grade A cashmere was transcribed into an aroma I think this would be it. This is rich and luxurious and envelopes you in absolute comfort. It's a perfect puree of all of the scent notes. It starts with a top layer of fruits and flowers, followed by a blend of vanilla, citron, and white patchouli flowers, all lying in a comfortable bed of woods and ambers. You will smell like an aromatic version of a Michelin meal so be careful not to get devoured ;-).  



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your signature scent palette


Your signature scent is one of the things that makes you unforgettable. It's not just one scent. It's a collection of similar scents that resonate with YOUR vibe.

Each palette matches a personality type. It's not a hard science BUT, when you read the personality types and scents you will find a palette that matches YOUR VIBE.

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